Consensus isn’t unanimity.

There are two things that everyone in the organization should agree on and commit to:  The organization’s mission and A clear decision-making process that invites the opinions of each team member and mines for disagreement.  If those criteria are met,...

Unsolicited advice for law students

Speaking with a group of attorneys and law students recently, I heard and found myself sharing advice that was given to me by others, including some of my law professors. I’ve since gained a few insights from experience. Here they are, with a grain of salt and...

SMEs are your friend!

I am thankful for subject matter experts! Last summer, I started suffering from plantar fasciitis. It’s a condition in which a band of tissue along the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed. It can cause severe pain after periods of immobility (sitting, sleeping, e.g.)....

Unselfishness = explosive scoring

We . . . really didn’t care [who scored]. How could I care if D.T. got a touchdown, it’s D.T., or Knowshon, or Julius. We were all like let’s just score touchdowns, let’s just run people over. – Eric Decker, former Denver Broncos wide...

He’s just a dad.

The international soccer superstar landed in Miami this summer. And he’s been scoring goals with apparent ease. And he’s been celebrating creatively. This article chronicles Messi’s superhero goal celebrations. It turns out the celebrations...