Discipline. Just do it.

“We’re all capable of greatness,” this 10 year old Nike campaign taught. “If greatness doesn’t come knocking on your door, maybe you should go knock on its door.”But what does that mean in daily practice? How can I be great at 9:30...

Authorizing a school is hiring people

Deciding to invest in a business is hiring people. Approving a grant application is hiring people. Authorizing a public school is hiring people. Much of my current work revolves around the practice of chartering public schools: having a school district, a university,...

“Are you a conservative?”

I have been asked a couple times recently if I was a conservative. I have been thinking for a while about how to answer that question. Here is my first attempt: I try to be conservative in my approach to finances, meaning I try to live within my budget and save for a...